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Noah Kahan Gets Ready for the Grammys

Noah Kahan prepares for the 2024 Grammy Awards where he was nominated for Best New Artist. Watch as Noah gets ready for music's biggest night, discusses his days leading up and spends family time with his siblings and mom Lauri, who was his date for the night.

Noah Kahan's highly anticipated final release of the Stick Season series—Stick Season (Forever) is set to be released on February 9th via Mercury Records/Republic Records.

Tuxedo: Thom Sweeney
Shoes: Allen Edmonds
Watch: Panerai
Cuff links: Consider the Wildflowers
Sunglasses: James Oro
Location: 1 Hotel West Hollywood

Released on 02/05/2024


I've never worn a tux,

and I've been to like three weddings.

And I always borrow my friend's dad's suit.

And it's like never really fits.

And so it was nice to like feel like I fit and everything.

It like looked like...

It's, like it was tailored, right?

[gentle music]

Hey, Vanity Fair, come on in.

I'm Noah Kahan.

Gonna get ready for the Grammys together, come on.

Yesterday I had the most like champagne problem of all time.

I was actually at the Beverly Hills Hilton

for the Clive Davis thing.

And I really needed to sleep,

but the people kept bringing

in like chocolate covered strawberries.

And so I was like,

Can you guys stop bringing in like chocolate covered stuff?

I'm like trying to sleep.

And I felt like I just lost myself completely in all this.

We did the Spotify best new artist party.

I opened up for Ice Spice, which was really fun.

And then we did Clive Davis yesterday,

and Ice Spice opened up for me.

So we were just trading, returning each other to the favors.

But it was awesome and so cool.

And there's all these sorts of famous people running around.

Like everywhere you looked, it was a famous person.

It was so cool.

If there was any night for me to join the Illuminati,

it would've been last night.

I fucked up.

And today obviously we got the Grammys and no expectations.

Just gonna go have some fun

and hang out with my mom for the day.

And just, you know, enjoy it

'cause who knows when I'll be back.

All right, let get ready.

All right, this is Amanda and Elliott, glam squad.

They've been putting pins in my hair and dressing me up

and making me look attractive all week.

I'm just a vessel for their creativity.

We could either do like a clean one,

which could be nice because your suit's very clean.

And it's gonna rain, so I need to like waterproof you

so your hair doesn't explode. Okay.

[Amanda] We could do a clean bun

or we could do a double messy bun or just a messy bun.

I feel like I can't be the one that decides.

I need to learn how to do my own bun

because I don't know how.

I can teach you.

I was always a kid in school with a backpack

that like had like papers like exploding out of it.

Every year, like every teacher thought they could fix that

and they couldn't.

[Amanda] I could teach you to do it your way.

I also couldn't tie my shoes until I was like too old.

On stage when I can't tie my shoe,

when my shoe's come on tight, I have to turn around.

I can't let the crowd see.

And I have my band play really loud

so that they can't focus on looking at me.

I got up at 6:00, 6:30.

I had a dream I died in a plane crash.

And then I got up and I couldn't go back to sleep.

And then I watched Chelsea.

They lost.

And so I woke up at 6:30, and then went to get a massage.

And they had like this red light sauna blanket thing,

and it was like so hot and so heavy.

But I'm like so afraid of like saying anything

to the masseuse and like him thinking

that I don't like what he's doing.

So I like didn't tell him

that I really, really didn't like it.

And it was like, I literally thought

I was like being buried alive. It was awful.

He had like my head in his hands.

I'm like, if I say I don't like it,

then he is just like fucking snap my neck or something.

But yeah, it was a good morning and now I'm here.

I'm a little hungover

'cause I had a couple drinks at Clive Davis last night.

And nowadays I can drink like two glasses of wine

and be like violently hung over.

Obviously I didn't just drink two glasses of wine,

but that could have happened.

Probably red carpet stuff.

I feel very uncomfortable in those situations.

So that's usually like the part

that I'm like least comfortable in.

I don't particularly...

Like, I don't mind it.

Like it's definitely not like something

that I'm like afraid of.

But I just feel like everything besides playing music

and making music does not come naturally to me at all.

This is our robot friend that talks to us in the morning.

Yeah, sometimes it says intrusive thoughts, but it's fine.

Yeah, when I found out I got the nomination,

I was in Leeds, England before a show.

And it was like our smallest show.

And then they said my name and I like lost my mind

and like jumped around.

I went through every human emotion.

I called my mom first,

and we just like screamed into the phone.

And I saw that Gracie got nominated so I called her

and we screamed into the phone.

I was calling everybody I knew really.

I called the person I made my first song ever with,

my first like produced song ever with.

And you want to tell them 'cause you're so excited

that they played a part in this cool moment.

My date is my mom.

I promised her, well she made me promise when I was like 13

that if I ever went to the Grammys I had to bring her.

I am gonna let Elliott tell you what I'm wearing

'cause I don't really know what it's all called,

but she did a great job.

Why don't you tell them?

Tonight, we went with just this classic

Tom Sweeney tuxedo, dark, midnight blue shirt and bow tie.

Allen Edmonds black patent leather loafers, Nera watch.

I'd never worn a tux.

And I've got been to like three weddings,

and I always borrow my friend's dad's suit.

And it's like never really fits.

And so I've never like had a fitting outfit

really in my life.

So it was nice to like feel like I fit and everything.

It like looked like.

It's like it was tailored, right?

Yep, we had it tailored.

Ready? Yes. Mommy.

You look so good.

I look like a mermaid, don't I?

You look beautiful.

Oh my gosh, you look so pretty.

This is my mom, Lauri Berkenkamp.

Hi. And she is looking stunning.

And we're gonna hit the red carpet tonight.

She's my grammy date.

I booked my date with him 15 years ago,

so I feel like I got right in under the wire.

She RSVPd very early.

A little too early for my taste.

I'm from Vermont. We do everything early.

We're on time and we leave early.

That's right.

Oh my god, Joni Mitchell's gonna be there.

Oh my God.

That for me is like, I can't wait.

I'm gonna fan girl.

Oh, Brandi Carlisle, also.

Oh, my mom loves Brandi Carlisle.

Oh my God.

And I talked to Brandi Carlisle.

I was like, My mom loves you.

She's like, I wanna come to Vermont.

Come fishing with your mom.

Oh, we could.

I stocked my pond.

I was like, You're supposed to be my friend, Brandi.

Oh, dad's calling me.

I'm gonna take it real quick.

You need the room?

No, no, you're good.

Hey, daddy.

Yeah, I'm pumped.

I'm with mom now.

She just got her makeup done. She looks beautiful.

[Lauri] Hi Josh.

Mom says hi.

Are you gonna stay up and watch it?

[Lauri] He'll watch it on YouTube tomorrow.

Well, At least watch until my award.

I love you, dad.

I'll see you, we'll talk tomorrow.

I'm so excited my kids are here, oh.

Hello, mom. Look at you.

I know, I'm so pale.

[Noah] Hey, Noah. My loving brother.

It's our big day.

It's our big day.

We're nominated.

Look great. Thank you.

Gimme a `hug. Hello, Sash.

Oh, you look great. Thank you.

No, you look great.

They know who I'm voting for.

Yeah, that's biased.

I'm wearin' this cool tux situation.

This looks sweet.

So jealous.

Dude, I heard Green Day last night.

Met Green Day.

It was so sick.

I met Flava Flav.

Oh, where?

Does he have the big clock around his neck?

He had a big clock on him.

Did he really? He really did.

I'm gonna go get into my Grammy's outfit,

but I'll see you guys in a few.

I'll be back. [gentle music]

[All] Whoo.

Noah, Noah, Noah.

[Lauri] So handsome.

This is the second take.

Feeling good.

I feel like I look very cool.

Like a young Keanu.

That's what we were going for.

My siblings have gotten me watches,

but they always give 'em to me

without them being fit for my wrist.

So I've never had my own watch.

It is glam o'clock, glam hour.

It is 2:03.

Is this set right?

Probably not.

You gotta get your cuff links.

There's a little diamond where Stratford is

to remind him of all his friends back home.

I've never had cuff links before

or never worn cuff links before.

[Elliot] The final touch. The movie Star moment.

I'll do a little reveal for you guys.

Do you feel comfortable?

I feel very comfortable.

It's really cozy.

It's like warm. Good.

Oh, that's good. Thank you Mommy.

[Lauri] Yeah, you do look so good.

[Noah] Thank you. You look sick.

[Noah] Oh, thank you guys.

Love you guys.

[Sasha] You look awesome.

I can't cry 'cause I don't know how to do it.

[Sasha] Mom, don't cry. Your make up just finished.

I love you so much.

Oh, my god, I love you.

[Sasha] You look so good, bud.

I just love this boy.

[Sasha] You look really, really, really, really cool.

Thanks Vanity Fair for getting ready with me today,

but we gotta go to the Grammys.

[upbeat music]

Let's go.

Catch the game last night?

Oh yeah. That guy-

Hit that, score.

That score, dude.

Here we go to the elevator.